Coming Soon: "Entropy"

About Artist SinGh

Artist Gurmej SinGh, often simply referred to as ArtGuru, is a healer. He is also distinguished for using various techniques and styles in his art. He invented LatroArt painting and drawing and has developed his own style of drip painting, creating images by artfully dripping paint. He holds several Guinness World Records. Artist SinGh is, in addition, a TV producer and the author of X the ArtPrize and the soon-to-be released My Experiments with Art.

Artist SinGh has found that a turn in life can change everything, and one such turn has changed his life. He has become ArtGuru, a healer, because he has realized that art, by its very nature, is therapeutic. What’s more, he believes that art’s benefits should be shared with rest of the world. He wants people to paint and heal. So he brings you a blend of the art therapy of the West with the yogic science of the East.

About this show: Entropy 
July 5th  Art Hop,

PMN, Epic Center, 3rd Floor

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Gazing around the universe, we see countless examples of order and disorder, with disorder on the rise. Indeed, entropy is the fate of everything in the physical world. My goal is to tap into this concept as it pertains to human thought and emotion. Are deep depression, muddled thinking, mental crisis, and mental breakdown examples of entropy? What is it that holds most people’s minds and emotions together? If the universe is made up of tiny hard particles in constant motion, then what makes up thought? Is thought a mystifying order or disorder? Come join me at my exhibition, and let’s examine these questions together.